Program Name: BPA of NY INC. @129Q    License/Registration ID: 800707

 Program Overview
Contact Name: Esther M. Kim Contact Title: Director
Program Type: School-Age Child Care Status: Open
School District: Queens 25
Site Address: Map
128-02 7th Avenue, College Point, NY 11356
First Licensed/Registration Date: Sep 7, 2017
Current Registration Period: Sep 7, 2023 - Sep 6, 2027
Phone: (917) 528-5210
Total Capacity: 265 School-Aged Children
Open Child Care Slots*:
This information was self reported to OCFS on 4/28/2023 6:16:49 PM
0 Preschool aged
174 School-Aged children

*Important Note: This self reported information on open child care slots can quickly change.

Please contact this program for the most current openings.

Care available during non-traditional hours: No
Removed from referral list: No
This program is located in a school.

For additional information on this program and compliance history, contact
Office: New York City Dept. of Health - Regional Office
Phone: (718) 553-3981
For additional details and to view the checklist used during an inspection, please click on the Inspection ID links below. Inspection checklists are generated per inspection type and reason. Also note, that any regulatory requirement can be assessed and cited during an inspection and as a result, may not be reflected on the inspection checklist. These items would be reflected in the program's compliance history that is posted.

 Inspection History: (Inspections in the past 24 months)

This program is located in a public school and, therefore, the program may not be responsible for correcting the violation.
Date Inspection Type Inspection ID Inspection Result  
Apr 18, 2024 Annual Unannounced 2024-I-NYCDOH-009976 No violations cited for this Inspection
Apr 12, 2024 Monitoring 2024-I-NYCDOH-040199 Violations Found
Jan 24, 2024 Monitoring 2024-I-NYCDOH-019526 No violations cited for this Inspection
Jan 16, 2024 Monitoring 2024-I-NYCDOH-018064 Violations Found
Inspection Conducted Off-Site
Nov 1, 2023 Monitoring 2023-I-NYCDOH-049735 Violations Found
Oct 20, 2023 Monitoring 2023-I-NYCDOH-046163 Violations Found
Jul 21, 2023 Monitoring 2023-I-NYCDOH-038288 No violations cited for this Inspection Inspection Conducted Off-Site
Jun 1, 2023 Application - Renewal 2023-I-NYCDOH-025591 No violations cited for this Inspection
Additional Inspection History

*Inspections may be conducted outside of program operating hours and/or off-site(where inspector was not on premises where care is provided) for the following reasons:
-Record/File Review
-Interviewing of Staff
-Or Other Investigative Reasons

 Compliance History
This program is located in a public school and, therefore, the program may not be responsible for correcting the violation.
Date of Last Inspection: Apr 18, 2024 Currently uncorrected violations: None
Date Regulation Description Compliance Status as of last inspection
Apr 12, 2024 414.11(b)(1) Staff and volunteers must each submit a medical statement on forms furnished by the Office or an approved equivalent from a health care provider: Corrected
Apr 12, 2024 414.14(k) All child care programs must have at least one staff person who holds a valid certification in cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and first aid on the premises of the program during the program's operating hours. Corrected
Jan 16, 2024 414.11(b)(1) Staff and volunteers must each submit a medical statement on forms furnished by the Office or an approved equivalent from a health care provider: Corrected
Jan 16, 2024 414.11(b)(6) The initial medical statement for staff and volunteers must include the results of a Mantoux tuberculin test or other federally approved tuberculin test performed within the 12 months preceding the date of the application. Corrected
Jan 16, 2024 414.13(b)(2) School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: the names, addresses and day time telephone numbers of at least two acceptable references, other than relatives, at least one of whom can verify employment history, work record and qualifications, and at least one of whom can attest to the applicant's character, habits and personal qualifications to be a school-age child care program staff member; Corrected
Nov 1, 2023 414.11(b)(1) Staff and volunteers must each submit a medical statement on forms furnished by the Office or an approved equivalent from a health care provider: Corrected
Nov 1, 2023 414.11(b)(6) The initial medical statement for staff and volunteers must include the results of a Mantoux tuberculin test or other federally approved tuberculin test performed within the 12 months preceding the date of the application. Corrected
Nov 1, 2023 414.13(b)(1) School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: a statement or summary of each applicant's employment history including, but not limited to, any relevant child-caring experience; Corrected
Nov 1, 2023 414.13(b)(2) School-age child care programs must review and evaluate the backgrounds of all applicants for staff and volunteer positions. All applicants whose backgrounds must be reviewed must be required to provide the following: the names, addresses and day time telephone numbers of at least two acceptable references, other than relatives, at least one of whom can verify employment history, work record and qualifications, and at least one of whom can attest to the applicant's character, habits and personal qualifications to be a school-age child care program staff member; Corrected
Oct 20, 2023 414.14(b) Each applicant for, or individual in the position of director, teacher, or volunteer must complete Office- approved training that complies with federal minimum health and safety pre-service or three-month orientation period requirements. This training must be obtained pre-service or within three months of starting such position. Corrected
Oct 20, 2023 414.14(c)(1) Each staff person and volunteer must complete a minimum of thirty (30) hours of training every two years. The required (30) hours of training every two years is subject to the following conditions: Fifteen of the required thirty (30) hours of training must be obtained during the person's first six months at the program. Corrected
Oct 20, 2023 414.15(b)(12)(iv) The school age child care program must report to the Office: immediately upon learning of any other change that would place the school age child care program out of compliance with applicable regulations; Corrected
*Violations are posted on this web site after the inspection results have been finalized in a report mailed to the provider. Violations are listed here as 'Corrected' after the Office has verified corrections with the provider, and a letter confirming the corrections has been mailed to the provider.
For additional information on this program and compliance history, contact
Office: New York City Dept. of Health - Regional Office
Phone: (718) 553-3981

 Enforcement History
The New York State Office of Children and Family Services uses a range of tools to help bring child care programs into compliance with statutory and regulatory requirements.

The enforcement actions listed on this website only include denial, revocation or suspension of a child care program's license or registration. Fines are not shown on this website. OCFS stops referring families to the program if a program's license or registration is closed, revoked or suspended.

Other enforcement actions such as Corrective action plans and fines are not shown on this website.
Enforcement Actions since March, 2020: None