Date |
Inspection Type |
Inspection ID |
Inspection Result |
Mar 4, 2025 |
Annual Unannounced |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
Nov 5, 2024 |
Monitoring |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
Aug 29, 2024 |
Monitoring |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
Apr 8, 2024 |
Application - Renewal |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.5(z) |
All window and door blind cords, ropes, wires and other strangulation hazards must be secured and inaccessible to children. |
Corrected |
418-1.11(c)(1) |
The licensee must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are: |
Corrected |
Jan 23, 2024 |
Monitoring |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
Jan 23, 2024 |
Annual Unannounced |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
Jan 22, 2024 |
Complaint (Substantiated) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.3(d) |
A temperature of at least 68 degrees Fahrenheit must be maintained in all rooms to be occupied by children. |
Corrected |
418-1.8(a) |
Children cannot be left without competent supervision at any time. Competent supervision includes awareness of and responsibility for the ongoing activity of each child. It requires that all children be within a teacher's range of vision and that the teacher be near enough to respond when redirection or intervention strategies are needed. Competent supervision must take into account the child's age emotional, physical, and cognitive development. |
Corrected |
Oct 18, 2023 |
Complaint (Substantiated) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.5(n)(1) |
Materials and play equipment used by the children must be sturdy and free from rough edges and sharp corners. |
Corrected |
Oct 18, 2023 |
Complaint (Substantiated) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.5(w) |
Cleaning materials must be stored in their original containers unless the product's use or the program's health care plan indicates that the product be mixed with water before use. In this case, the container used for subsequent use of the mixed product must state the name of the cleaning material contained within. Cleaning materials must be used in such a way that they will not contaminate play surfaces, food or food preparation areas, or constitute a hazard to children. Such materials must be kept in a place inaccessible to children. |
Corrected |
418-1.5(z) |
All window and door blind cords, ropes, wires and other strangulation hazards must be secured and inaccessible to children. |
Corrected |
418-1.11(c)(1) |
The licensee must prepare a health care plan on forms furnished by the Office. Such plan must protect and promote the health of children. The health care plan must be on site, followed by all staff and available upon demand by a parent or the Office. In those instances in which the program will administer medications, the health care plan must also be approved by the program's health care consultant unless the only medications to be administered are: |
Corrected |
418-1.11(i)(11) |
Extensive cleaning, such as shampooing carpets or washing windows and walls, must occur when children are not present. |
Corrected |
418-1.12(z) |
All containers or bottles of, breast milk, formula or other individualized food items must be clearly marked with the child's complete name. |
Corrected |
418-1.13(a)(1) |
Staff and volunteers must be mature, of good character and possess suitable personal qualifications. |
Corrected |
Aug 14, 2023 |
Fire Safety - Other |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
Jul 31, 2023 |
Complaint (Substantiated) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.9(d) |
Behavior management must promote self-esteem in children and guide children in such a way as to help each child develop self-control and assume responsibility for his or her actions through clear and consistent rules and limits appropriate to the ages and development of the children in care. |
Corrected |
418-1.9(j) |
Corporal punishment is prohibited. For the purposes of this Subpart, the term corporal punishment means punishment inflicted directly on the body including, but not limited to, physical restraint, spanking, biting, shaking, slapping, twisting or squeezing; demanding excessive physical exercise, prolonged lack of movement or motion, or strenuous or bizarre postures; and compelling a child to eat or have in the child's mouth soap, foods, hot spices or irritants or the like. |
Corrected |
Jul 31, 2023 |
Serious Injury |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.9(j) |
Corporal punishment is prohibited. For the purposes of this Subpart, the term corporal punishment means punishment inflicted directly on the body including, but not limited to, physical restraint, spanking, biting, shaking, slapping, twisting or squeezing; demanding excessive physical exercise, prolonged lack of movement or motion, or strenuous or bizarre postures; and compelling a child to eat or have in the child's mouth soap, foods, hot spices or irritants or the like. |
Corrected |
418-1.9(m) |
Methods of discipline, interaction or toilet training which frighten, demean or humiliate a child are prohibited. |
Corrected |
418-1.15(b)(4) |
The staff and volunteers must be in good health and be of good character and habits. |
Corrected |
Jul 24, 2023 |
Monitoring - Enforcement |
No violations cited for this Inspection |
May 8, 2023 |
Complaint (Unsubstantiated) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.7(m) |
Children may not sleep or nap in car seats, baby swings, strollers, infant seats or bouncy seats unless otherwise prescribed by a health care provider. Should a child fall asleep in one of these devices, he or she must be moved to a crib/cot or other approved sleeping surface. |
Corrected |
Apr 12, 2023 |
Complaint (Substantiated) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.5(y) |
Protective caps, covers or permanently installed obstructive devices must be used on all electrical outlets that are accessible to children. |
Corrected |
418-1.5(aa) |
The following items must be used and stored in such a manner that they are not accessible to children: handbags, backpacks or briefcases belonging to adults; plastic bags; and toys and objects small enough for young children to swallow. |
Corrected |
418-1.7(h) |
If television or other electronic visual media is used, it must be part of a planned developmentally appropriate program with an educational, social, physical or other learning objective that includes identified goals and objectives. Television and other electronic visual media must not be used solely to occupy time. |
Corrected |
418-1.11(i)(6) |
All rooms, equipment, surfaces, supplies and furnishings accessible to children must be cleaned and then sanitized or disinfected, using an EPA registered product, as needed to protect the health of children, and in a manner consistent with the program's health care plan approved by the Office. |
Corrected |
Apr 7, 2023 |
Annual Unannounced |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.3(h) |
Peeling or damaged paint or plaster must be repaired. |
Corrected |
418-1.5(v) |
All matches, lighters, medicines, drugs, cleaning materials, detergents, aerosol cans and other poisonous or toxic materials must be stored in their original containers. Such materials must be used in such a way that they will not contaminate play surfaces, food or food preparation areas, or constitute a hazard to children. Such materials must be kept in a place inaccessible to children. |
Corrected |
418-1.11(i)(1) |
Staff and volunteers must thoroughly wash their hands with soap and running water at the beginning of each day, before and after the administration of medications, when they are dirty, after toileting or assisting children with toileting, after changing a diaper, before and after food handling or eating, after handling pets or other animals, after contact with any bodily secretion or fluid, and after coming in from outdoors. |
Corrected |
Mar 15, 2023 |
Complaint (Investigation Pending) |
Violations Found
Regulation |
Description |
Compliance Status |
418-1.9(j) |
Corporal punishment is prohibited. For the purposes of this Subpart, the term corporal punishment means punishment inflicted directly on the body including, but not limited to, physical restraint, spanking, biting, shaking, slapping, twisting or squeezing; demanding excessive physical exercise, prolonged lack of movement or motion, or strenuous or bizarre postures; and compelling a child to eat or have in the child's mouth soap, foods, hot spices or irritants or the like. |
Corrected |
418-1.9(m) |
Methods of discipline, interaction or toilet training which frighten, demean or humiliate a child are prohibited. |
Corrected |