As OCFS continues to work toward compliance with the Child Care Development Block Grant Act of 2014, the Division of Child Care Services will present aggregate data for OCFS regulated child care programs on an annual basis. The data below reflects serious injuries of children in care, substantiated cases of child abuse or maltreatment and fatalities resulting in violations being cited against a program.


Fatalities of Children in Regulated Child Care

Note: This data reflects cases where the fatality was due to health and safety violations in the calendar year.
Program Type 2023
Family Day Care 0
Group Family Day Care 1
Day Care Center 0
School-Age Child Care 0
Small Day Care Center 0
Legally-Exempt Group 0
Legally-Exempt Informal 0

Serious Injuries of Children in Care

Note: A serious injury includes any event in which a child requires professional medical attention other than routine illness. An injury is serious when it is beyond routine superficial cuts, scrapes and bug bites. For additional information please see DCCS policy Childcare-Policy-20-01.pdf (
Program Type 2023
Family Day Care 10
Group Family Day Care 58
Day Care Center 355
School-Age Child Care 111
Small Day Care Center 0
Legally-Exempt Group 3
Legally-Exempt Informal 2

Substantiated Child Abuse and Maltreatment Cases

Note: This data represents the number of cases that were determined to be substantiated in the calander year.

2023: 138